REMA 1000
Find the latest opening hours, and the current and upcoming deals and catalogs from the local REMA 1000 store at 7400 Herning, Snejbjerg Hovedgade 40C.
Opening Hours
All Days | 6:00 | – | 21:00 |
Newest Catalogs
- Upcoming
Nordthy bolcher 150 g 150 g • 133,33 kr./kg20 kr.TomorrowFebruary 15 - Upcoming
7-Morgen cocoa balls eller crunchers 600 g 600 g • 41,67 kr./kg25 kr.TomorrowFebruary 15 - Upcoming
Skum eller snuspinde 96-120 g 96-120 g • max 208,33 kr./kg20 kr.TomorrowFebruary 15 - Upcoming
Valsemøllen Mug cake Cookie dough eller chokolade 80 g 80 g • 62,50 kr./kg5 kr.TomorrowFebruary 15 - Upcoming
Cloetta bar 60-80 g 60-80 g • max 233,33 kr./kg14 kr.TomorrowFebruary 15 - Upcoming
Nornir vand med brus eller REMA 1000 Hope vand 50 cl. Ex. pant 50 cl • 3 kr./l1,50 kr.TomorrowFebruary 15 - Upcoming
Malaco karamelstænger eller Cloetta Polly 84-150 g 84-150 g • max 297,62 kr./kg25 kr.TomorrowFebruary 15 - Upcoming
Pågen vanillas eller kanelgifler 220-300 g 220-300 g • max 54,55 kr./kg12 kr.TomorrowFebruary 15 - Upcoming
L'OR kaffekapsler eller Gevalia kaffebønner 50 stk./ 900 g 110 kr.TomorrowFebruary 15 - Upcoming
Corn Up Tortilla chips 60 g 60 g • 133,33 kr./kg8 kr.TomorrowFebruary 15 - Upcoming
Lay's MAX chips 185 g 185 g • 64,86 kr./kg12 kr.TomorrowFebruary 15 - Upcoming
REMA 1000 træstammer, romkugler eller mazarintærte 200-275 g 200-275 g • max 60 kr./kg12 kr.TomorrowFebruary 15 - Upcoming
Dan Cake romkugler, tiger muffins eller happy muffins 240-360 g 240-360 g • max 62,50 kr./kg15 kr.TomorrowFebruary 15 - Upcoming
REMA 1000 popcorn eller flæskesvær 50-300 g 50-300 g • max 120 kr./kg6 kr.TomorrowFebruary 15 - Upcoming
Clownies, Pirates, Teddies, Heart, Ocean eller Superhero biscuits 162-175 g 162-175 g • max 123,46 kr./kg20 kr.TomorrowFebruary 15 - Upcoming
Trope snacks 150-275 g 150-275 g • max 133,33 kr./kg20 kr.TomorrowFebruary 15