Find the latest opening hours, and the current and upcoming deals and catalogs from the local thansen store at 6800 Varde, Toftegårdsvej 1.
Opening Hours
Monday–Friday | 8:00 | – | 19:00 |
Saturday–Sunday | 9:00 | – | 17:00 |
Newest Catalogs
Børne-/juniorhjelm 149,40 kr.February 25Skibriller 119,40 kr.February 25Ski-/crossbrille 119,40 kr.February 25Tagboks 3.799 kr.February 25Tagboks 2.799 kr.February 25Tagboks 1.799 kr.February 25Kælketallerken 79,95 kr.February 25Sneboldtang 19,95 kr.February 25Kælk 399 kr.February 25Kælk 349 kr.February 25Kælk 129 kr.February 25Ørevarmere 96,75 kr.February 25Ørevarmere 24,98 kr.February 25Halsrør 24,98 kr.February 25Sneskovl 129 kr.February 25Skridsikker 10 l • 6,00 kr./l59,95 kr.February 25