Find the latest opening hours, and the current and upcoming deals and catalogs from the local thansen store at 8381 Tilst, Anelystparken 28.
Opening Hours
Monday–Friday | 8:00 | – | 19:00 |
Saturday–Sunday | 9:00 | – | 17:00 |
Newest Catalogs
Trafikalarm 179,60 kr.February 25Softshell-handsker 79,96 kr.February 25Vinterhandsker 79,96 kr.February 25Skihandske 139,30 kr.February 25Hjelmhue 29,95 kr.February 25Softshell luffe 79,96 kr.February 25Rygbeskytter 374,25 kr.February 25Skistrømper 39,96 kr.February 25Skistrømper 79,96 kr.February 25SNEKÆDER 699 kr.February 25Vinterpakke 400 ml • 747,50 kr./l299 kr.February 25Snekæder 209,30 kr.February 25Køreplader 2 pieces • 50,70 kr./each101,40 kr.February 25Sikkerhedsvest 29,95 kr.February 25Nødsnekæde 74,50 kr.February 25Voksenhjelm 359,40 kr.February 25