Find the latest opening hours, and the current and upcoming deals and catalogs from the local thansen store at 9800 Hjørring, Frederikshavnsvej 85.
Opening Hours
Monday–Friday | 8:00 | – | 19:00 |
Saturday–Sunday | 9:00 | – | 17:00 |
Newest Catalogs
SIKKERHEDSVEST 29,95 kr.February 25Mountainbike 27,5-29” 2.999 kr.February 25Mountainbike 26" 1.499 kr.February 25Retro løbecykel 399 kr.February 25Cykelhjelm 299 kr.February 25Cykelhandske 79,96 kr.February 25Fodpumpe 149,25 kr.February 25Cykelstol 299 kr.February 25Cykelgarage 69,97 kr.February 25El-Foldecykel 6.999 kr.February 25El-cykel MTB 27,5" 5.999 kr.February 25El-cykel 28" 5.999 kr.February 25Kædelås 499 kr.February 25Mountainbike 5.999 kr.February 25Damecykel 28" 2.499 kr.February 25Børnecykel 20-24” 1.999 kr.February 25