Find the latest opening hours, and the current and upcoming deals and catalogs from the local SuperBrugsen store at 3400 Hillerød, Frederiksværksgade 119.
Opening Hours
Monday–Friday | 6:00 | – | 20:00 |
Saturday–Sunday | 7:00 | – | 18:00 |
Newest Catalogs
Cattin Riesling, Pinot Gris eller Orange Pinot Gris 75 cl • 92 kr./l69 kr.February 20Cattin Grand Cru 75 cl • 132 kr./l99 kr.February 20Burmester Tawny eller Ruby 75 cl • 92 kr./l69 kr.February 20Burmester LBV 2019 75 cl • 145,33 kr./l109 kr.February 20Marabou ruller eller plader 78-100 g • max 192,31 kr./kg15 kr.February 28- Upcoming
Udenlandske specialøl 50 cl • 16 kr./l8 kr.TomorrowFebruary 20 - Upcoming
Nescafé specialiteter eller Fredsted Chai Latte 125-208 g • max 200 kr./kg25 kr.TomorrowFebruary 20 - Upcoming
BKI Extra, Karat eller Cirkel Instant Kaffe 90-100 g • max 322,22 kr./kg29 kr.TomorrowFebruary 20 - Upcoming
Nescafé kapsler 44 g • 568,18 kr./kg25 kr.TomorrowFebruary 20 - Upcoming
Heineken eller Royal 18/20-pak 18-20x33 cl • max 14,98 kr./l89 kr.TomorrowFebruary 20 - Upcoming
Änglamark økologiske drikke 50 cl • 30 kr./l15 kr.TomorrowFebruary 20 - Upcoming
Faxe Kondi eller Pepsi Max 150 cl • 11,33 kr./l17 kr.TomorrowFebruary 20 - Upcoming
Änglamark personlig pleje 14,95 kr.TomorrowFebruary 20 - Upcoming
Twist eller Daim Mini 140-145 g • max 285,36 kr./kg39,95 kr.TomorrowFebruary 20 - Upcoming
Thise & Ko dansk økologiske tykstegsbøffer 300 g • 283,17 kr./kg84,95 kr.TomorrowFebruary 20 - Upcoming
Valsølille appelsin juice 850 ml • 52,88 kr./l44,95 kr.TomorrowFebruary 20