Find the latest opening hours, and the current and upcoming deals and catalogs from the local Netto store at 5450 Otterup, Søndergade 42-44.
Opening Hours
All Days | 7:00 | – | 22:00 |
Newest Catalogs
Lys i glas 20 kr.FridaySkab med skydelåger 299 kr.FridayKunstig buket 59 kr.FridayKunstig orkidé 69 kr.FridayKunstig flamingoblomst 79 kr.FridayKunstig viol figentræ eller gummitræ 149 kr.FridayFicus, Philodendron eller Monstera 35 kr.FridayPilea i skjuler 25 kr.FridayFicus Lyrata 99 kr.FridayCalathea 25 kr.FridayKunstig blomst i potte 29 kr.FridayBog 50 kr.FridayServietter 10 kr.FridayDækkeservietter 29 kr.FridayKort 10 kr.FridayFoldekasse 20 kr.Friday