Find the latest opening hours, and the current and upcoming deals and catalogs from the local Netto store at 3460 Birkerød, Teglporten 25.
Opening Hours
All Days | 7:00 | – | 22:00 |
Newest Catalogs
- Upcoming
Rullemadras 69 kr. - Upcoming
Dyne 99 kr. - Upcoming
Sushimåtter 30 kr. - Upcoming
Sojakande 30 kr. - Upcoming
Sojaskåle 30 kr. - Upcoming
Serveringsfad 50 kr. - Upcoming
Skål 50 kr. - Upcoming
Bambus dampkurv 50 kr. - Upcoming
Mummum 79 kr. - Upcoming
Klompelompe 99 kr. - Upcoming
Makeupspejl med LED og opbevaring 99 kr. - Upcoming
Pastamaskine 199 kr. - Upcoming
Raviolibakke 20 kr. Tulip toppings 80-100 g • max 187,50 kr./kg15 kr.Lys i glas 20 kr.Premier Is eller Underground isbæger 500-750 ml • max 60 kr./l30 kr.