Kop & Kande
Find the latest opening hours, and the current and upcoming deals and catalogs from the local Kop & Kande store at 4900 Nakskov, Søndergade 38.
Opening Hours
Monday–Thursday | 9:30 | – | 17:00 |
Friday | 9:30 | – | 18:00 |
Saturday | 9:30 | – | 13:30 |
Newest Catalogs
Eva Trio Professional sauterpande keramisk Slip-Let® belægning Ø24 cm 799,95 kr.TodayAida Confetti krus mustard 35 cl 69,95 kr.TodaySödahl Mono sæbedispenser sort 270 ml 119,95 kr.TodayTefal Snack Collection box 1: Toasted Sandwich 149,95 kr.TodayRoyal Copenhagen figur 2025 krage 10,5 cm 799,95 kr.February 27Eva Solo Nordic Kitchen skærebræt bambus Ø35 cm 299,95 kr.February 27Georg Jensen Koppel Dinnerware hvid dyb tallerken 21 cm 179,95 kr.TodayBosch VitaPower blender sort 1,5 liter 799,95 kr.TodayAida Groovy cafe-latte ske sølv 9,95 kr.TodayScanpan TechnIQ dampindsats 26 cm 399,95 kr.TodayRosendahl Grand Cru elkedel 1,4 liter ash/patineret stål 499,95 kr.TodaySpring Copenhagen remarkable red fugl 199,95 kr.February 27Södahl Comfort håndklæde stone grey 50x100 cm 89,95 kr.TodayPillivuyt Plissé flad tallerken 24 cm 169,95 kr.TodayAida Confetti pastatallerken olive 23 cm 129,95 kr.TodayRAW kagegaffel sølv 79,95 kr.Today