Kop & Kande
Find the latest opening hours, and the current and upcoming deals and catalogs from the local Kop & Kande store at 4700 Næstved, Næstved Storcenter 38 - 42.
Opening Hours
Monday–Friday | 10:00 | – | 20:00 |
Saturday–Sunday | 10:00 | – | 16:00 |
Newest Catalogs
Aida Confetti krus olive 35 cl 69,95 kr.FridayAida Groovy dessertske 9,95 kr.FridayHolmegaard ARC Vase Mørk Blå 15 Cm 99,95 kr.FridayRAW bestiksæt 60 dele champagne guld 1.299 kr.FridayGeorg Jensen Bernadotte barnesæt med kop og tallerken 549,95 kr.FridayBosch Designline elkedel sort 1,7 liter 399,95 kr.FridayKlarborg ophæng forårsdyrebørn 2025 229,95 kr.February 27RAW colour krus uden hank purpleish 30 cl 69,95 kr.FridayTefal MasterSeal Fresh opbevaringsboks rektangulær 1,6 liter 54,95 kr.FridayTefal Jamie Oliver Cook's Classic kasserolle 18 cm 2 liter + låg 499,95 kr.FridayGeorg Jensen Copenhagen salatsæt 2 dele mat stål 479,95 kr.FridayEva Solo Facet vandglas 4 stk. 34 cl 129,95 kr.FridayEva Solo to go cup recycled nordic rose 0,35 liter 169,95 kr.FridayIon8 Recyclon koala drikkeflaske 0,5 liter 99,95 kr.February 27RAW kagespade guld 59,95 kr.FridayAida Confetti desserttallerken lemon 21 cm 69,95 kr.Friday