Find the latest opening hours, and the current and upcoming deals and catalogs from the local Bygma store at 6330 Padborg, Industrivej 24.
Newest Catalogs
Karmsæt - Snap-in (Swedoor) 516,95 kr.Fyldningsdør - Compact finland (Swedoor) 1.115 kr.Stabledør - GW (Swedoor,Swedoor ) 895 kr.Parketunderlag (Bygma) 499,95 kr.Parketunderlag (Bygma) 139,95 kr.Lamelparket 3 stav (Parador) 269,95 kr.Vinylplank - VP (Timberman) 319,95 kr.Sildeben Vinylplank - Novego+ (Timberman) 339,95 kr.Vinylplank - Novego+ (Timberman) 319,95 kr.Vinylplank - VP (Timberman) 299,95 kr.Fodliste - 99 FF / 100 HF / 102 HF (Nova) 23,95 kr.Gulvpap (Pro-file) 174,95 kr.Stenuld - Flexibatt 37 (Rockwool) 26,95 kr.Gulvspartel - Fin (Weber) 159,95 kr.Gulvafretning - Grov (Weber) 139,95 kr.Gulvafretning - Hurtig (Weber) 189,95 kr.