Find the latest opening hours, and the current and upcoming deals and catalogs from the local Bygma store at 5300 Kerteminde, Møllevangen 12.
Newest Catalogs
Drivhus - Aphrodite (Vitavia) 26.495 kr.February 23Drivhus - Venus 5000 (Vitavia) 5.495 kr.February 2318 V XR Vinkelsliber - DCG405N (Dewalt) 1.245 kr.February 23Vinyl Wideplank - Bastion Eg (Moland) 229,95 kr.February 23Vægmaling - Silkemat glans 10 (Yunik) 699,95 kr.February 2318 V Excentersliber - DBO180Z (Makita) 1.070 kr.February 2318 V Rundsav - DSS501Z (Makita) 1.495 kr.February 23Loft- og Vægmaling - Ultra mat glans 1 (Yunik) 549,95 kr.February 23Multiplade - PP4/055 (H+H) 36,95 kr.February 23Lokkemad - Musefri (Ecostyle) 59,95 kr.February 2318 V Batteri - BL1850B (Makita) 745 kr.February 23Lader - RC18120 (Ryobi) 295 kr.February 2318 V Bore-/skruemaskine - DDF484Z (Makita) 1.245 kr.February 2318 V Multicutter - DTM52Z (Makita) 1.570 kr.February 2318 V Kædesav - RCS18X3050F (Ryobi One+) 2.395 kr.February 2318 V Deltasliber - RPS18-0 (Ryobi One+) 429,95 kr.February 23