Find the latest opening hours, and the current and upcoming deals and catalogs from the local Biltema store at 4400 Kalundborg, Stejlhøj 33.
Opening Hours
Monday–Friday | 8:00 | – | 20:00 |
Saturday–Sunday | 9:00 | – | 18:00 |
Newest Catalogs
Køkkenmaskine 549 kr.February 23Arbejdslampe, 50 watt 249 kr.February 23Målebæger, 1 dl 24,90 kr.February 23Maskeringstape, 50 mm 29,90 kr.February 23Chokolade, 100 g 100 g • 150 kr./kg15 kr.February 23Afdækningspap, 50 m 189 kr.February 23Køkkensaks, 2 stk 2 pieces • 19,95 kr./each39,90 kr.February 23Chips 10 kr.February 23malingskraber 24,90 kr.February 23Muffinform, 12 stk 12 pieces • 0,83 kr./each9,90 kr.February 23Gulvmaling, 4 kg 4 kg • 99,75 kr./kg399 kr.February 23Bakkeindsats, 5-pak 19,90 kr.February 23Rullesæt basic, 3 dele 29,90 kr.February 23Spændingsomformer 229 kr.February 23Bilmåtte, PVC 99,90 kr.February 23Isskraber 16,90 kr.February 23