Find the latest opening hours, and the current and upcoming deals and catalogs from the local Bilka store at 3400 Hillerød, Slotsarkaderne 26.
Opening Hours
All Days | 7:00 | – | 22:00 |
Newest Catalogs
4 stk partyposer 15 kr.ThursdayPapkrus 40 kr.ThursdayBadserier 70 kr.Thursday4-pak glas 45 kr.ThursdayMasterchef pande 99 kr.ThursdayWilfa Megazone Airfryer 999 kr.February 20Kenwood køkkenmaskine 1.999 kr.February 20Badeshorts 99 kr.ThursdaySneakers 99 kr.ThursdaySkijakke 199,50 kr.ThursdaySkibukser 149,50 kr.ThursdayTights 129 kr.ThursdayTights 2 pieces • 84,50 kr./each169 kr.ThursdayPyjamas 149 kr.ThursdayUndertrøje eller trusse 4 pieces • 49,75 kr./each199 kr.ThursdayUndertrøje eller 2-pak trusser 4 pieces • 49,75 kr./each199 kr.Thursday